- Call past hosts, see if they know anyone who wants to host
- Call past customers, see if they know anyone who wants to do a party
- Make a list of 50 people you know and contact them and see if they know anyone who is interested in doing a party.
- Go to meetup.com and attend a networking event in your area
- Go volunteer – tons of contacts that way, and set up a coffee meeting with at least one person you meet.
- Talk to your kids school about doing a fundraiser (if your kids are grown or don’t have kids, then contact a local school)
- Set up your own meetup group on Meetup.com to talk about running a home based business. Set a meeting date for an informal coffee
- Follow up on your list of people who have indicated interest in doing a party, but haven’t followed through
- Do one “total stranger” approach. Ask them if they have ever heard about Scentsy, while you are wearing a Scentsy shirt. This is great for the courage
- Go meet both your neighbours, on each side, and tell them what you do, ask them if they want to host a party.