Tag Archives: network marketing

A Really, Really Easy Way To Build A Very Large Network

If you want to succeed in direct sales or network marketing you have to build a large network.  There is no way around it.  When people join Scentsy they start with a list of “100 friends and family”; however, this list (on its own), although it is a good start, is never big enough to meet your long term goals.  Consultants who can’t grow their network (outside of their initial list of people they know) will struggle to achieve.

There is however a very, very simple way to grow a huge positive network, outside of the contacts that you have when you start your business.  The larger your network, the larger your business will expand and grow.  This blog post will show you how to do it in a very simple way.

Most people who are serious about this business are aware of the need to “expand their network”, but many people struggle with how to do it effectively.

Also, a common problem is that people look at networking as an “event” rather than a “habit”.  They approach networking from a position of stops and starts, rather than as a continual behaviour that happens all the time.  When you approach networking sporadically you miss out on the compounding returns that come when a habit drives long term action.

Networking doesn’t need to be complex.  In fact, it can be very simple.  If if you are willing to turn the method I’m going to lay out into a habit you’ll find it to be very effective as well.  Here is a method that we’ve used successfully in our business and we know that it works.  It is called – networking circles. 

Other writers, including James Altucher and Claudia Azula Altucher in their book, The Power of No: Because One Word Can Bring Health, Abundance and Happiness, discuss takes on this idea.  Also, there are no hard and fast rules to how it works.  You can easily adapt this idea to your schedule (and willingness to network).

The framework is pretty simple:

  • Take out a piece of paper (or a word document);
  • Draw a circle in the middle of the page.  In this circle write the word “me”;
  • Then proceed to draw 7-10 additional circles throughout the page;
  • Label each of the circles with a “networking category”.  For example, one circle you could call “Close Friends”.  Another circle you could label “Acquaintances” or “People You’ve Met Once”.  Name another circle “Online Communities”, and another circle “In-Person Meet-up groups”.  Label another circle “Professional Networking Events”, and another circle “Conferences”, or “Events” or “Fairs”.  Add another circle for “Parties” or “Hosts”. as well as “Current Customers”.   Even throw “Recreation” in there or “Exercise” (you never know how a relationship could develop with your friends from the gym or yoga class).  This isn’t an exhaustive list – get creative and think about other forums where you could meet people;
  • Make it a goal to talk to someone from at least five different circles a week, and commit to this habit as a long term behavioural change (not just a one time experiment);
  • Keep track of your progress in a simple spreadsheet or notebook (and use the categories to track your discussions).

What you will find, if you actually execute this strategy, is that, usually within a year to eighteen months, your personal and professional network will have grown substantially.  You will have more positive relationships than you have ever had, and as a result opportunities will start to come into your life.

Why is this?  A couple reasons.  First, there is a compounding effect (read Darren Hardy’s great book, The Compound Effect on this subject) whenever you engage in small behaviours consistently over a long period of time.  Next, without even realizing it you are creating a “relationship action plan” (as discussed by Keith Ferrazzi in his wonderful book Never Eat Alone).

You are also bringing the idea of relationship building both into your subconscious and conscious attention. Because you have built a conscious habit of hitting four circles you will be looking for opportunities to meet new people, and your subconscious will make you aware of networking opportunities that you normally would have glossed over because your weren’t focused on the subject. There is a huge dividend whenever something becomes a habit.

Also, have fun with it.  Make it a game.  Give yourself a reward if you hit more than four circles in a week.  Challenge yourself.  Add some additional unique circles (like “aspirational contacts” or “superstars”).  You never know how your efforts to reach out to people (even above your current income or pay grade) can really pay off.

Grow Your Direct Sales Business Into A Tree, Not A Weed (Inspired By Scentsy CEO Orville Thompson)

Is your Scentsy business a weed or a tree?
Is your Scentsy business a weed or a tree?

We want to share a principle taught to us by Orville Thompson, our friend and Scentsy CEO.

In direct sales some businesses resemble weeds, and others resemble trees.

What you want to have is a tree.   What many people have are weeds.

Here are some signs of a weed (and we’ve seen many, many weeds over the years):

  • Products that are based on hype rather than something that people really like, and want to buy again;
  • The “get in now or it will be to late” principle;
  • Quick money;
  • Within a couple years the “hype people” or “top income earners” have moved on to a different business;
  • An uncertain customer base (one that is largely made up of  distributors of the product).  Not an independent customer base that is comprised of individuals who aren’t distributors of the product;
  • A focus on short term profits by the company, to the detriment of its distributors.

Weeds pop up fast, and they have very weak roots, and they die quickly.  The roots are weak because the primary (if not the only) focus is fast money.

A very few people may make some quick money, but MOST people make nothing (and even lose money).  These people leave the business with a bad taste in their mouth, and they are the ones who disparage the industry and say it is made up of nothing buy hype, false dreams, and lies.

Weeds hurt the direct sales industry.

They are distracting, especially to the people who are trying to grow a tree. People who have planted seeds for a tree, and are now watering those seeds and nurturing it, often get distracted, abandon their tree, and jump onto a weed.

Here are the signs of a tree in direct sales:

  • It takes time to make decent money, but once you get there you have a stable income stream and reliable cash flow for years to come;
  • You have to work hard, “get rich quick” is a myth.
  • The product is unique, and people like it.  It sells itself, and people want to buy more of it.
  • Your customer base is made up of independent consumers who love the product, and use it for their own personal use.  It is not made up of distributors of the product who also happen to be the #1 purchasers of the product.
  • Your business has strong roots.  You have a stable repeat customer base.  Your team is involved in the business for a variety of reasons including: financial, personal development, friendship and community, and social.

Our business with Scentsy is a tree, not a weed.  It took time, and a lot hard work to make really good money, but after that investment we have a stable income.  We have a product that people love, that they consume often.  Our customer base is independent from the consultant base, and our team is involved in the business for many reasons, as a result the roots of our tree are diverse and deep.

Grow your direct sales business into a tree, not a weed.

If you want to learn about how to get involved with a “tree” direct sales business contact us today.